The shocking truth about dairy

The shocking truth about dairy

Can't have dairy? Perhaps you're "allergic"?

Today I'm busting dairy myths, giving you a shocking statistic and some information that could change what foods you've deemed off-limits!

Did you know that less than 2% of adults have a dairy allergy?

Yet people tell us over and over again that they do.

A dairy allergy is rare, 2% is a small amount of the population, so why do most people think they do?

Because having a sensitivity to certain parts of dairy is extremely common.

Matter of fact, 70% are sensitive to lactose. It's more common to be lactose intolerant than not.

However, another ingredient that is often overlooked is casein.

I personally had no idea casein was an issue for me until the lactose free dairy options exploded. I started eating lactose free cottage cheese and yogurt and felt awful, much like I do when eating lactose.

So, for me personally, it's both lactose and casein.

Here's some quick facts.

Lactose is a milk sugar.

Casein is a milk protein.

Whey is a milk protein.

Therefore one or all could be a problem BUT an allergy to milk is when the immune system reacts as though milk and other dairy products are a dangerous invader. This reaction can cause hives, an upset stomach, vomiting, bloody stools and even anaphylactic shock — a life-threatening allergic response.

It's much like gluten sensitivity vs celiac disease but that's another story for another day.

Here's some good news about HelloAmino protein mixes.

Our protein mixes do NOT contain casein and contain only 1% lactose, making them virtually lactose free and very easy to digest.

If casein and/or lactose is a problem for you whey isolate protein is a great choice.

Be sure to look for PURE whey isolate as some products can combine this with whey concentrate (which is higher in lactose) or other milk products to increase the protein content and save on cost.

Here's some quick tips to find out if casein, lactose or whey is your issue.

Eliminate lactose by eating a lactose free dairy product. If you react it's not just lactose but is casein.

Then try pure whey isolate. If you react it's not lactose or casein and is likely whey. If you don't react then it could be casein or lactose or both.

If casein is your issue, like me, this eliminates all cheese, sorry! But if it's lactose than aged cheese is a great choice! 

Another great idea is to get tested but be sure they narrow down the allergy and don't give you a blanket "dairy" result.

I hope this was helpful!

If you're struggling to make diet changes you might find my blog about creating new routines helpful. Check it out here

- Aelie


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